Eric robsbawn

1097 palavras 5 páginas
Eric Hobsbawm é um dos mais importantes e renomados historiadores do mundo.
Eric Hobsbawn is one of the most important and renownds historians of the world.
Earnest Hobsbawm was born on June 9, 1917 in Alexandria, Egypt, when the country was under British rule. For this reason he has British nacionality too. He spent the first years of his life living in the cities of Austria and Germany in a phase that the cities were going through serious economic and social crises as a result of World War I. Too young, when he was 14 years old, Eric Hobsbawn had already lost his parents, wich resulted in his adoption and in the adoption of his sister. Then he moved to a new home in the city of London in 1933.
When he moved with his sister to England, Eric Hobsbawn had already started his readings of Karl Marx and Adol Hitler had come to power in Germany. The trip to London was motivated by the escape of Nazi persecution, but mainly because he received a scholarship to study at Cambridge, where he ended up majoring in History. The Eric Hobsbawm's adoptive uncles decided to take the whole family and all the businesses to London, ensuring the survival because the Jews were heavily hunted in Germany in later years. All the living environment of childhood and adolescence of Eric Hobsbawm was fundamental to the realization of a young intellectual and a respected historian. With the challenges that had to face, he realized that historical analyzes done well could indicate future trends with great ability to hit. So began his career seeking to create more efficient methods to produce economic and social predictions.

Filho de pais judeus, Eric John Earnest Hobsbawm nasceu no dia 9 de junho de 1917 na cidade de Alexandria, Egito, quando o país se encontrava sob domínio britânico. Por este motivo, possui também nacionalidade britânica. Passou os anos iniciais de sua vida vivendo nas cidades de Viena e Berlim, numa fase em que Áustria e Alemanha viviam graves crises econômicas e


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