Aula de ingles

1550 palavras 7 páginas
Airline Vocabulary Word part of speech | Meaning | Example sentence | airfare noun | cost of a plane ticket | The cost of your meal is covered in your airfare. | aisle noun | the long empty space that you walk down | Please keep your bags out of theaisle so that nobody trips. | aisle seat noun | the seat that is next to the aisle | I'll give you an aisle seat in case you need to walk around with the baby. | assist verb | help | Please wait until everyone is off the plane so that we can assist you. | baggage noun | the bags and suitcases that travellers put their belongings in | I'm afraid your baggage got on the wrong airplane. | baggage, luggage claim noun | place where you pick up your baggage after arrival | The announcement will direct you to the correct baggage claim. | blanket noun | warm covering | If you feel cold I can get you ablanket. | boarding pass noun | part of the ticket that you give to the crew as you step onto the plane | Your must present your boarding pass at the gate. | bumpy, rough adj | up and down movement of the aircraft | It might be a bumpy ride because we are flying through a storm. | cabin noun | interior of the aircraft | There is no smoking allowed inside the cabin. | call light noun | a button passengers can press to get a crew member's attention | If you need anything, just press thecall light. | captain noun | the person who is in charge of the plane | Would the kids like to go and meet the captain? | charter noun | discount airline | If you take a charter it will cost you half as much. | cockpit noun | the part of the plane where the captain and his co-pilots sit | We aren't doing any more tours of the cockpit because it's almost time to land. | comfortable adjective | feel good physically, able to relax | Because you have long legs you might be more comfortable in an aisle seat. | complimentary adjective | free of charge | We offer complimentary coffee or tea, but you have to


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