Passive voice

2740 palavras 11 páginas
2. Look at the picture and read what they are saying. Then you write who they are.

a) They are ten years old. ____________________ b) He is seven. _____________________________ c) She is eight. _____________________________ d) He is nine years old. ________________________

3. Answer these questions:

a) How old are you? ___________________________________________________ b) What is your name?
c) Are you ten years old? ___________________________________________________ d) Where are you from? __________________________________________________

10º Ano

Technology is everywhere

Everyday use of technology is increasing.

Technology is so widespread, and its use is so vast that we cannot restrict it to any one particular field and its association in the improvement and development of any specific sector. Starting from the sciences, to the sports, peace and historical research technology has been the source of constant development and built up of the modern world.
Technology has gone as far as even saving lives of the impossible cases of medical problems. These days hospitals and medical health care centers are using such complicated machineries that portray the advancement of the technological sector in this world.
The technological powers have now lead the people to research, and predict the natural disasters that could hit the globe causing life threatening experiences.
Its importance is so widespread not only in our daily lives but also the major world issues that technology should be the most encouraged scientific education in the coming years.
Technology has greatly


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