Passive Voice

552 palavras 3 páginas
Trabalho de Inglês
Simple Present

Active Voice: Lucas washes the car.
Passive Voice: The car is washed by Lucas.

Present Continuous

Ative Voice: The student is writing a work about technology in the 21 century.
Passive Voice: A work about technology in the 21 century is being written by the student.

Present Perfect

Ative Voice: She has worked at the hospital since april.
Passive Voice: Since april she has been worked at the hospital.

Simple Past

Active Voice: Martha Medeiros wrote “Noites em claro”.
Passive Voice: “Noites em claro” was written by Martha Medeiros.

Past Continuous

Active Voice: Morgana was playing soccer.
Passive Voice: Soccer was being played by Morgana.

Past Perfect

Active Voice: Murilo had cleaned this room.
Passive Voice: This room had been cleaned by Murilo.

Simple Future

Active Voice: I will finish this work tomorrow.
Passive Voice; This work will be finished tomorrow.

Going-to future

Active Voice: They are going to build a shopping here.
Passive Voice: A shopping is going to be built here.


Active Voice: They can write two exams in a week.
Passive Voice: Two exams can be written in a week.

Usando o Simple Present
1- Acrescentamos ES na 3° pessoa do singular dos verbos terminados em S, SH, CH, X, Z, e O.
• Verbos terminados em X. Verbo sendo usado FIX :
Bob fixes everything at his house. (Bob conserta tudo na casa dele).

• Verbos terminados em CH. Verbo sendo usado WATCH.
Daniel watches cartoon every morning. (Daniel assiste desenho todas as manhãs).

• Verbos terminados em SH. Verbo sendo usado WASH.
Every day after the meals, my mom washes the dishes. (Todo dia após as refeições, minha mãe lava a louça).

• Verbos terminados em O. Verbo sendo usado O.
Jack does his homework at night. (Jack faz seu dever de casa à noite).

• Verbos terminados em S. Verbo sendo usado KISS.
Cindy kisses her


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