Global warming

341 palavras 2 páginas

We gonna talk about a big problem, the Global Warming, that is the rise in temperature of The earth´s atmosphore. Carbon dioxide and others gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth´s atmosphere and temperatures are rising. The majority of the people and the scientists agree that the global warming is result our activities and not a natural ocurrence. If we started this, can we stop? There is no doubt about it,we can solve this problem, we have a obrigation to do it. Simple changes to our daily routine can make the difference in helping to stop the global warming. So, what can we do? Here is how:

➢ Re-cycle glass bottles, jars, newspapers and magazines and tin cans. Save them and take them to local re-cycling centers; ➢ Make a full load before you use the washing machine, and wash your clothes in cold or warm water; ➢ Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking; ➢ Buy recycled paper products; ➢ Buy organic foods as much as possible; ➢ Buy fresh foods instead of frozen food; ➢ Turn off and unplug from the wall eletronics devices when you aren´t using them; ➢ Have showers instead of baths; ➢ Switch to green power such as wind and solar; ➢ Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb; ➢ When is time for a nem car choose a more fuel efficient car; ➢ Plant a tree.


Accordling with the questionary we can conclued that ...

We have to alert people to what they doe that is wrong and explain how they can change this to help the global warming.
This is the begining, but if we realy wanna change the world we have to start changing our acts at home and in our society.TAKE


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