
8195 palavras 33 páginas
a experiência de alunos de medicina

Maria Lúcia Araújo Sadala1 Mayle Paulino da Silva2

SADALA, M.L.A.; SILVA, M.P Care for terminal patients: the experience of medical . students. Interface - Comunic., Saúde, Educ., v.12, n.24, p.7-21, jan./mar. 2008.

The aim of this study was to understand the meanings that medical students place on experiences of caring for terminal patients. Data were collected using individual interviews with 24 medical students at a university in the State of São Paulo. Convergent ideas within the statements from the participants were grouped into three categories: encountering the world of terminal illness/death; relationships with the patient and patient’s family; and reflections on caring for terminal patients. In the students’ statements, they expressed anxiety about caring for such patients, and difficulty in dealing with their own feelings. They considered themselves unprepared for relating to these patients, but learned through hands-on experience. The results from the study indicate the need to introduce material within medical training that is aimed at developing interpersonal skills and a capacity to reflect on ethical questions and medical deontology involving the terminality of life.

Key words: Medical students. Death. Terminal patients.

O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os significados que alunos de medicina atribuem à experiência de cuidar de pacientes em fase terminal. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas individuais com vinte e quatro estudantes de medicina de uma universidade paulista. As convergências dos depoimentos dos participantes foram agrupadas em três categorias: a) deparando-se com o mundo da doença terminal/morte; b) relação com o paciente e sua família; c) reflexão sobre o cuidar do paciente terminal. Nos depoimentos, os estudantes expressam ansiedade ao cuidar deste tipo de paciente, assim como as dificuldades em lidar com os próprios sentimentos. Consideram-se pouco preparados para


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