
4971 palavras 20 páginas
Collector's Book

Start Point: During first visit to Engeve, after being accused of apple theft and resting at the inn
Cutoff: Enter Akzeriuth
Misc Requirement: n/a
Talk to the man Luke almost stole an apple from
As he asks, retrieve the Secret Box from the Cheagle Woods.
Return the Secret Box to the man, and you will be given the Collector's Book. Food prices in Engeve lower by 20%.
Note: You can carry over Collector Book data in the Grade Shop even if you didn't get the Collector Book.

St. Binah Medicine Shop

Start Point: First visit to St. Binah
Cutoff: Enter Akzeriuth
Misc Requirement: n/a
Enter the pharmacy on the right side of the city and talk to the man on the left side of the counter.
Give him a Gel Base and Cotton, which can be collected from Search Points 1 and 4 respectively. (Note: Search points will refill whenever you enter a town or dungeon, but it might be easier to save before checking the search point so you can just load if you don't get Gel Base and cotton.)
Give the man those items, and you'll be given a Miracle Gel, another medicine shop will open, and mecidine prices in St. Binah decrease by 20%.

Big Tree of St. Binah

Start Point: After meeting McGovern
Cutoff: Enter Akzeriuth
Misc Requirement: n/a
Climb up the ladder on the right side of St. Binah for a scene.
Sonic Thrust

Start Point: Guy joins the party
Cutoff: Enter Akzeriuth
Misc Requirement: n/a
Stay at the inn in one of the following places: St. Binal, Kaitzur, Kaitzur Naval Port. Luke will learn Sonic Thrust.

Noir Fanclub

The parts of this quest must be done in order.

Part 1

Start Point: Meet McGovern
Cutoff: Go to Fubras River (more specifically, when you meet Arietta)
Misc Requirement: n/a
Shoot Mieu's fire at the poster on the bulletin board on the right side of St. Binah. There will be a scene.
You'll get 200 gald, with which you are supposed to pay Ayn's membership fee.
Part 2

Start Point: First visit to Chesedonia


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