
1376 palavras 6 páginas
Executive Summary for Lojas Marisa

Bernardo Goldfarb, founder of Marisa, was almost born in a shoe store made by his father. The first store with 21m2 was opened in 1948 and step by step they started conquering the women’s apparel market, by selling clothes and accessories of major manufactures with competitive prices. Lojas Marisa today has 10.000 employees and over 280 stores nationwide.

Their strategic plan is to double the number of stores by 2015. There is also speculation that they are looking to buy a very large shoe store in Brazil. Marisa today is number 4 in the retail market. They trade in the Brazilian Stock exchange as AMAR3.

At this moment they are into a major cost cutting initiative focusing expenses only into sales. The Goldfarb family, the major stockholders that controls Lojas Marisa, usually goes through a cost cutting process at this time of the year and pushes vendors for large discounts.

History with Kaseya and Revenue to date

Customer since October, 29 2009 with a first deal of 3.000 agents. Their biggest need was to have Linux agents to monitor and manage the POS at the stores. They actually licensed our Lynux agents before it was GA. Today they have 10.000 agents to support their store infrastructure. This represents a net business to date for Kaseya of US$313K. They are using audit, inventory, remote control, deployment, some procedures and reports. The big benefits is that they have today is a single tool to manage the distributed environment and keep their stores operational.

Potential to Kaseya

We are working the opportunity to manage their offices and distribution centers around Brazil. If we add to their schedule of an additional +90 stores + backoffice and distribution centers, this should add +6000 agents, for an estimated net of $200K in additional licenses. Adding Maintenance to this number, we should have a potential opportunity of US$250K NET to Kaseya in the next 12 months.

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