
604 palavras 3 páginas
Along with the increasing world population and industry growth, also increases the amount of organic and inorganic waste in society. Due to the large amount of garbage, recycling attitude becomes increasingly important for maintaining the health of the planet and people.
Recycling is the name given to the process of reusing objects used to manufacture new products.
The recycle process generates wealth, since some companies use the procedure as a way to reduce costs and also contributes to the preservation of the environment. The materials are more recycled paper, plastic, glass and aluminum. The waste sorting and recycling are increasingly well known throughout the world, since the recycling helps to reduce the pollution of soil, air and water. Recycling also emerges as a solution to unemployment in the socioeconomic scenario, since many are unemployed in this sector a way to support their families. In Brazil, there are a large number of cooperatives of recyclable aluminum and paper.

In cooperative, the materials that come from many ecopoints are separated either manually or by mechanical means, to enable the work done by the industry of recycling of different materials (metal and plastics, paper and glass).
For example, in case of waste deposited in the collection point yellow, plastics are separated manually and ferrous metals by mechanical action.
Why is it important to recycle?
For every ton of recycled paper avoids the killing of 20 trees, this saves up to 71% power, 90% water and 74% of air pollution.
Plastic and metal take between 200 and 500 years to decompose, so it is very important to recycle them. Not to mention the oil saving, in the case of plastic.
For every ton of recycled glass saves is about 1300 kg of sand and decreasing the pollution of air and water.
When batteries are recycled to recover chemicals that can be reused in the manufacture of new materials.
As nowadays there is so much mass production (industrial


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