Practical access to service design

47354 palavras 190 páginas
Service Design


practical access to an evolving field

S ervice Design


Stefan Moritz

Service Design
Practical access to an evolving field
Stefan Moritz, London 2005
Köln International School of Design
MEDes – MA European Studies in Design

Service Design

University of Applied Sciences Cologne
Fachhochschule Köln
Faculty of Cultural Sciences
Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften
Prof. Birgit Mager
Head of department for Service Design

© Copyright 2005 Stefan Moritz, All rights reserved.
To use any of the contents of this work a permission of the author is required in writing.
To use any of the material that does not belong to the author the permission of the individual originator is required. practical access to an evolving field

Executive summary

Service Design helps to innovate (create new) or improve (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for organisations.
It is a new holistic, multidisciplinary, integrative field.

This summary provides an insight into Service
Design and how it can help address some key challenges facing organisations today.
Service Design is a new holistic, multi-disciplinary, integrative field. It helps to either innovate or improve services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients, as well as more efficient and effective for organisations.
The service sector makes up the biggest part of the economy, up to 70% of GDP. However, services are not as productive for organisations and as satisfying for clients as they could be. Services have a design problem.
Professionals in the service sector need to realise that they are involved in design and use Service
Design to improve it. Services have unique features. They are not tangible, cannot be stored or owned, consumption happens at the same time as production and they are complex experiences that happen over


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