3261 palavras 14 páginas

This monograph aims at completing the course MBA Graduate - Tax Planning. And your goal is to discuss the tax planning that has a goal to the economy, decreased legal amount of money to be delivered to the government. Taxes (taxes and contributions) represent a significant portion of business costs, but most. Thus, tax planning or tax avoidance is lawful tools that assist companies, taking advantage of the loopholes in the existing laws, to reduce, or extinguish postergarem taxes to be collected. The comptroller is approached as an administrative body capable of assisting companies in developing tax planning. This paper is intended to defend the proposed objectives, highlighting the contribution of controllership for the development of Tax Planning As a result, it is observed that the tax planning depends on internal and external factors and controlling, as an administrative agency, should be aware to changes in the market and in all activities and levels of the company. May, through their duties, assist in planning, implementation and control of tax planning for the company to obtain sufficient information on terms compatible, diagnosing the postponement, reduction or elimination of taxes.

KEYWORDS: Comptroller, Tax Planning, Construction.



1. PROBLEMA DE PESQUISA.........................................................................02

2. OBJETIVO......................................................................................................02

2.1 Objetivo Geral.........................................................................................02

2.2 Objetivo Especifico.................................................................................02



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