Modelo evolutivo

2803 palavras 12 páginas
----------------------------- jModeltest 0.1.1 -----------------------------
(c) 2008 David Posada, Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology
University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain. e-mail:
Thu Sep 06 12:54:12 BRT 2012 (Mac OS X 10.5.8, arch: i386)

******************************* NOTICE ************************************
This program may contain errors. Please inspect the results carefully.

Reading data file "Thap_CITB_FINAL.fas"... OK. number of sequences: 259 number of sites: 801

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Settings: Phyml version = 3.0 Candidate models = 24 number of substitution schemes = 3 including models with equal/unequal base frequencies (+F) including models with/without a proportion of invariable sites (+I) including models with/without rate variation among sites (+G) (nCat = 4) Optimized free parameters (K) = substitution parameters + 515 branch lengths + topology Base tree for likelihood calculations = ML tree

Maximum likelihod estimation for the JC model. ML optimized tree topology Model = JC partition = 000000 -lnL = 24643.5925 K = 516 Computation time = 00h:02:25:03 (00h:02:25:03)

Maximum likelihod estimation for the JC+I model. ML optimized tree topology Model = JC+I partition = 000000 -lnL = 22355.8376 K = 517 p-inv = 0.4710 Computation time = 00h:03:54:08 (00h:06:20:01)

Maximum likelihod estimation for the JC+G model. ML optimized tree topology Model = JC+G partition


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