How to make a successful documentary

1742 palavras 7 páginas
How to make a successful documentary

Project Overview

This project is about to make a successful and diferent documentary describe some situations that can happen in a near future. This documentary will be different, because It contain renowned artists with the goal to arouse people's interest for the theme, as a result of this action, to make people think about of important issues, that the film will bring.

But It is important to know in this documentary there should not be a script, like a traditional documentary, because nobody knows what will really happen, this project must be spontaneos and emphasize the big problems that everyone knows but does not know how to stop and those little problems that happen, everyday in our life and we have no idea that harm the environment.

The project will be an opportunity to encrease the people’s knowlegde about environmental questions, and how these problems contributes to other problems such as hunger, poverty or serious illness, It is showing how the world will be in 20 years if we do not act concretly to change our habits as soon as possible.

This material will use characters story and every staff people to put themselve in their place and make a journey it could be. To direct people of adventure and fantasy and make them realize that everything can be changed and only want.

Statement of the Problem

Nowadays most of people believe is easly to do a sucessful documentary. The biggest obstacle, besides the depreciation of a job They do believe that you need a good idea and a lot of money, this way every problem is solved and the documentary is done, but it is a little more complicate than then.

To make a good documntary, it is necessary a good time, a good budget, sponsors and donors, and a lot of research about every detail of the documentary and the most important research about the target public, but before all this work, we will need a very good staff, prepared and


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