
11374 palavras 46 páginas
Mandelbaum, Di Santis & Mandelbaum


Educação Médica Continuada / Continuing Medical Education

Cicatrização: conceitos atuais e recursos auxiliares Parte II* Cicatrization: current concepts and auxiliary resources Part II*
Samuel Henrique Mandelbaum1 Érico Pampado Di Santis2 Maria Helena Sant'Ana Mandelbaum3
Resumo: Na Parte I deste artigo, publicada na edição anterior dos Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, foram revisados os conceitos de cicatrização e foi ressaltada a importância da atuação multidisciplinar na abordagem das feridas, compreendendo-se o paciente como um todo. Nesta Parte II são apresentados os recursos que podem auxiliar o processo de cicatrização, bem como os diversos tipos de curativos disponíveis e a sua respectiva indicação. Palavras-chave: bandagens; cicatrização de feridas; curativos oclusivos; mecanismos defensivos e curativos. Summary: In Part I of this article, published in the previous edition of the Brazilian Annals of Dermatology, the cicatrization concepts were revised and the importance of the multidisciplinary approach was emphasized in the management of wounds as well as considering the global aspects of the patient. In Part II, we present the resources that can aid the cicatrization process, as well as the various types of curatives available and their respective indication. Key-words: bandages; wound healing; occlusive dressings; defensive and curative mechanisms. INTRODUCTION In Part I of this article, as published in the Brazilian Annals of Dermatology, Rio de Janeiro, 78(4) 393-410 Jul/Aug 2003, the process of cicatrization of the skin was approached in terms of the anatomical, histological, biochemical, immunological, and pharmacological aspects together with the stages of the cicatrization. The importance was also emphasized of considering the complete patient and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach was emphasized in the management of wounds. The relevance of the economical aspects of both acute and


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