
336 palavras 2 páginas
English | Usage | Example | * on | * days of the week | * on Monday | * in | * months / seasons * time of day * year * after a certain period of time (when?) | * in August / in winter * in the morning * in 2006 * in an hour | * at | * for night * for weekend * a certain point of time (when?) | * at night * at the weekend * at half past nine | * since | * from a certain point of time (past till now) | * since 1980 | * for | * over a certain period of time (past till now) | * for 2 years | * ago | * a certain time in the past | * 2 years ago | * before | * earlier than a certain point of time | * before 2004 | * to | * telling the time | * ten to six (5:50) | * past | * telling the time | * ten past six (6:10) | * by | * in the sense of at the latest * up to a certain time | * I will be back by 6 o’clock. * By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages. |
Prepositions are short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs).

Prepositions – Time

Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction) English | Usage | Example | * in | * room, building, street, town, country * book, paper etc. * car, taxi * picture, world | * in the kitchen, in London * in the book * in the car, in a taxi * in the picture, in the world | * at | * meaning next to, by an object * for table * for events * place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) | * at the door, at the station * at the table * at a concert, at the party * at the cinema, at school, at work | * on | * attached * for a place with a river * being on a surface * for a certain side (left, right) * for a floor in a house * for public transport * for television, radio | * the picture on the wall * London lies on the Thames. * on the table * on the left


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