Direito das obrigações

295 palavras 2 páginas

Adbusters is focusing on fall apart existing structures by making joke about some products. It is a new way to persuade people think about what is happened in their life. Adbusters is facing against materialistic way of life and trying to let the people to have the power of their own decisions not being influenced by companies, which try to say what you should do or not. Nowadays people buy products without thinking how these products could affect them and principally the environment they become addictive to purchase. And for trying to get our attention Adbusters makes controversial magazines, advertisements and commercials to schock you.

Buy Nothing Day

Telling people all around the world do not buy things just for one day put us towards a more just and sustainble future. It is a smart way to save the environment.

A favourite Adbuster Ad
My favourite Adbuster Ad it is the Iphone. The adverstiment shows if you have an Iphone you can do what do you want, you just press the button to buy a gun or to try to find someone and makes me think that today we do not have more privacy or security.

Overview of the magazine
The magazine for me it was a suprise I have never seen a specific magazine that criticizes a serious subject in a smart way. It is impossible overlook the magazine and not remark something that impress you. They have a new way to show you what we are doing with our lifes.

Popularity in Brazil
This magazines could be a success in Brazil, first beacause we do not have any magazine likes it and Brazilian people loves jokes, they have a good sense of humours. It could work with young and old


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