Desenvolvimento criativo na primeira infancia

358 palavras 2 páginas

Children all pass through the same stages of their development, but the pace of their development varies. The stages vary from child to child, however, are clearly seen with daily drawings that are kept and studied. Movement towards complexity takes the form of small changes rather than giant leaps.

|Scribble to Mature Realism: |SCHEMATIC STAGE |
|Typically, children are about 18 months to 3 years old when they are at this |Ages 5 to 8 years old. |
|stage of development. |Children have a set schema about a way of drawing. Might draw a fish in the same way|
|Children make random scribbles and explore materials in a playful way. |in many drawings. |
|At first the scribbles are uncontrolled and then progressively become |Use more realistic colour. |
|controlled. |Often make colour choices based on stereotypical notions of the proper colour of |
|Children are experimenting with holding a pencil (left or right handed). |things such as a blue sky and green grass. |
|The drawer discovers and points to a familiar object found in the random |A sky line and ground line start to show. |
|scribble. This is called named scribble. |More proportionate body and head and shows more detail. |
|Children are learning to talk about marks, colour, etc. |Start to understand relationship between their art and their world


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