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3914 palavras 16 páginas
Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol.
V.70, n.5, 632-7, set./out. 2004



Resultados auditivos com o implante coclear multicanal em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia no Hospital das
Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da
Universidade de São Paulo

Auditory results with multicanal cochlear implant in patients submitted to cochlear implant surgery at University of São Paulo Medical
School – Hospital das Clínicas

Ricardo Ferreira Bento1, Rubens de Brito Neto2,
Arthur Menino Castilho3, Valéria Goffi Gómez4,
Sandra Barreto Giorgi5, Mariana Cardoso Guedes5

Palavras-chave: implante coclear, audição, cirurgia, limiar auditivo.
Key words: cochlear implant, hearing, surgery, auditory threshold.

Resumo / Summary



omplete hearing loss is a very important handicap resulting in sensory deprivation and affecting an individual’s personality, relationships and life style. Individuals with profound deafness are unable to hear environmental sounds as doorbells, telephones, traffic noises and sirens that are an important alert for dangerous situations in the daily life. They are also unable to hear their own voices and for this people with profound deaf do not modulate their voices. The hearing aids are the first choice to treat deafness, but there are patients with severe damage of the auditory systems who cannot receive a useful hearing from normal hearing aids. The cochlear implant is the alternative for patients that cannot have good discriminatory ability wearing a powerful hearing aid and wish or need a better hearing. Aim: To study the hearing results of the adult patients who are using a multichannel cochlear implant system at the Department of Otolaryngology – University of Sao Paulo. Study design:
Series study. Material and Method: We selected 61 patients with a severe bilateral hearing loss that have been using the cochlear implant for at least six months. The hearing evaluation performed after using the device for six months included word and


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