Símbolos de matemática

1858 palavras 8 páginas
Mathematical Symbols
List of all mathematical symbols and signs - meaning and examples. • Basic math symbols
• Geometry symbols
• Algebra symbols
• Probability & statistics symbols
• Set theory symbols
• Logic symbols
• Calculus & analysis symbols
• Number symbols
• Greek symbols
• Roman numerals

Basic math symbols

Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition Example
= equals sign equality 5 = 2+3
≠ not equal sign inequality 5 ≠ 4
> strict inequality greater than 5 > 4
< strict inequality less than 4 < 5
≥ inequality greater than or equal to 5 ≥ 4
≤ inequality less than or equal to 4 ≤ 5
( ) parentheses calculate expression inside first 2 × (3+5) = 16
[ ] brackets calculate expression inside first [(1+2)*(1+5)] = 18
+ plus sign addition 1 + 1 = 2
− minus sign subtraction 2 − 1 = 1
± plus - minus both plus and minus operations 3 ± 5 = 8 and -2
∓ minus - plus both minus and plus operations 3 ∓ 5 = -2 and 8
* asterisk multiplication 2 * 3 = 6
× times sign multiplication 2 × 3 = 6
∙ multiplication dot multiplication 2 ∙ 3 = 6
÷ division sign / obelus division 6 ÷ 2 = 3
/ division slash division 6 / 2 = 3
– horizontal line division / fraction

mod modulo remainder calculation 7 mod 2 = 1
. period decimal point, decimal separator 2.56 = 2+56/100 a b power exponent 23 = 8 a^b caret exponent 2 ^ 3 = 8
√a square root √a • √a = a √9 = ±3
3√a cube root 3√8 = 2
4√a forth root 4√16 = ±2 n√a n-th root (radical) for n=3, n√8 = 2
% percent
1% = 1/100 10% × 30 = 3
‰ per-mille
1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1% 10‰ × 30 = 0.3 ppm per-million
1ppm = 1/1000000 10ppm × 30 = 0.0003 ppb per-billion 1ppb = 1/1000000000 10ppb × 30 = 3×10-7 ppt per-trillion 1ppb = 10-12 10ppb × 30 = 3×10-10

Geometry symbols
Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition Example
∠ angle formed by two rays ∠ABC = 30º
∡ measured angle ∡ABC = 30º
∢ spherical angle ∢AOB = 30º
∟ right angle = 90º α = 90º
º degree 1 turn = 360º α = 60º
´ arcminute 1º


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