Combate fechado

20608 palavras 83 páginas
Chapter’s 1 and 2
First Steps in Offensive and Defensive Close Combat
The purpose of this text book is to present the reader with both offensive and defensive examples of close combat.
A very wide spectrum of techniques and tactics will be described in this text book. The original purpose of this approach was to allow the reader to select techniques that suit them personally and also meet their operational requirements. The techniques described and illustrated in this text book have been used in general warfare by Western states from the early 1900's onwards. These armies have always used close combat training programs for two main reasons;

First, close combat training promotes fighting spirit and ruthless efficiency.

Second, close combat training programs are the solid foundations for self confidence on the battle field.

Self Defense. The amount of physical force used in self defense must be the minimum necessary to protect either you or others. This degree of force should allow you to either escape ward off or neutralize an attack.
Close Combat. To fight and oppose with little regard paid to minimum force requirements. The amount of force used will depend on the operational aims. This may include neutralizing, disabling, capturing and killing the enemy.

First Steps
Whenever possible, text book and video studies must be complemented with "hands on training" from a competent instructor. First hand accounts from combat veterans will also give more credence to the training program.

Standing Combat
Join a boxing, karate or kung fu club and gain valuable contact experience. This must include the practice of timing hits, judging distance, feinting, counter attacking and closing in for grappling techniques. Do not spend to long learning the one style. Focusing on the one style will create a mind set for that particular style. For example, focusing on boxing may cause you to


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