Analise media

1210 palavras 5 páginas

That's what media do: create ways to comunicate with people, showing their thoughts, values and products using television, magazines, Internet. It's worlwide,if you go to another country like Brazil you will see advertises in magazine,internet,television just like in New Zealand,the media is the same but at the same time is diferent, every each country has a particular media that makes sense to the population of country . We all want to comunicate and express and that's why media is so important to us. One of the consequences of modern world is that media became acessful and at the same times a standard to our behaviour. In other words, the development of technology let us to share our thoughts in mass media but at the same time creates a common sense.As times goes this common sense created by media becomes a identify, they choose a certain aspect of a society and overrepresents in advertises, films and then becomes something usual. But why they do it? Choose a common point to a society and repeats over again creating a part of indetity . One example of this process is The kiwi media that frequently use things that kiwi people know and then keep them closer. When media create a indentity they represents the society in the best way,they represent the character happy and often doing something good just to show that the product that they are adverstising is good . So the representation of kiwi indetity created by media is based on cultural points that every kiwi person know ,,the image created is positive because people can really understand the advertise and feel the necessity to have the product.
A identitiy created by the media it’s not only important to attract the client and make them comfortable. Showing well-known things can be bigger than just to conquer and please . Aboarding this things


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