Uso do laser scanner na modelagem de voçorocas do estado do rio de janeiro

2588 palavras 11 páginas
Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 30 de abril a 05 de maio de 2011, INPE p.5793

Uso do laser scanner na modelagem de voçorocas do estado do Rio de Janeiro Isabela Queiroz Ramos Márcio Rocha Francelino Stephanie Freitas Couto de Magalhães Carlos Magno Moreira de Oliveira Samara Salamene Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ BR 465, km 7 - 23890-000 - Seropédica - RJ, Brasil {bebela_i, stephanie.magalhaes, cmagnoliveira}, {marciorocha, salamene}
Abstract. The gullies are deep channels opened in the soil by water action, under the influence of factors such as climate, topography, soil and vegetation type. This study aimed to do a gullies modeling by laser scanning method. Three gullies were selected for this study, located in the Pinheiral and Vassouras cities, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The position of the scan laser was measured with GPS. With the data could create a digital elevation model, and from this were estimated as gullies area, volume and drainage flow. Through 3D representation was possible to observe the land slope where of gullies sites, facilitating the visualization and understanding of erosion processes. Local with probable piping presence were also identified. The modeled runoff by accumulated flow created a dense drainage network, with a main waterway which may represent a gully depth line and therefore the susceptible area to soil loss. The results obtained by laser scanning linked to study execution fast demonstrated the potential of this tool for erosion processes studies and monitoring. However, more studies are required to enable a evaluation better of tool, as for example the specific programs use to process the point cloud file type can provide digital elevation models else accurate. Palavras-chave: remote sensing, erosion, soil loss, sensoriamento remoto, erosão, perda de solo.

1. Introdução As voçorocas são processos de degradação ambiental que


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