Unit de inglês

586 palavras 3 páginas
Unit 1
Activity 1 – Measuring liquids
Take a look at some ways to measure liquids:

Foto: a gallon
Foto: pint of beer
Foto: Cup of coffee

Foto: a quart
Foto: a liter
Half a gallon

Cup of coffee pint of beer a gallon

Half a gallon a liter a quart Activity 2 – US Measurements

* A dozen eggs – 12 * A loaf of bread/ 2 loaves * A bushel of apples * A pint= ½ liter * A quart= about a liter * Half a gallon= about 2 lite * A gallon= about 4 liters

Activity 3 – Expressing needs and making suggestions
You can use these expressions:

* Do I need…? * We also need… * You’ve got to… * Do we really need…? * I’d better… * Why don’t you…? * We could just… * You might as well…

Activity 4 - Who vs. That vs. Which

- Who refers to people, That and Which refer to groups or things.
Julie is the one who rescued the cat.
Bob is on the team that won first place.
Tina belongs to an organization that specializes in saving endangered species.
That is a decision which you must live with for the rest of your life.

- We use these relative pronouns to identify or to give more information about people and things.

1) Choose the correct sentence. 1. ( ) Lets to have dinner.
( ) Let’s have dinner. 2. ( ) Let’s do not watch TV
( ) Let’s not watch TV. 3. ( ) Are you up for a trip to London?
( ) Are you up trip to London? 4. ( ) Why don’t we have some beer to celebrate my birthday?


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