Tutores Inteligentes e Agente Pedagógico Animado

5145 palavras 21 páginas
II Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2013)
XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2013)

Analisando a influência da presença de um Agente
Pedagógico Animado em relação ao Gaming The System
Thiago Marquez Nunes
Patrícia A. Jaques
Programa de Pós-graduação em Computação Aplicada (PIPCA)
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) nunes.thiago@live.com, pjaques@unisinos.br

Abstract. Intelligent Tutoring Systems are powerful educational tools because they support personalized learning. However, the effectiveness of these systems may be reduced due to students’ behavior. One of these behaviors is
Gaming The System, when the student tries to explore tutor features to have a faster progress in the problem solving. In order to improve students’ learning experience, the present work aims at investigating the impact of the presence of an Animated Pedagogical Agent in Gaming The System. Our main hypothesis is that, when an Animated Pedagogical Agent shows for the student that it is aware that he is gaming, it may discourage this behavior. In order to verify this effect, we implemented and integrated an Animated Pedagogical
Agent into a Math web tutor. The agent is able to detect the Gaming The
System by help-seeking and show its awareness for the student by verbal messages and the expression of emotions. We accomplished an experiment with 37 students from 8th grade of a local school to evaluate this effect.
Although the results are not conclusive, they suggest that the presence of the agent may discourage Gaming The System.
Resumo. Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes apresentam grande potencial como ferramenta computacional de apoio a aprendizagem por permitir o ensino individualizado. No entanto, a efetividade desses sistemas é reduzida por comportamentos do aluno, tais como o Gaming The System, quando ele tenta tirar vantagem das propriedades do tutor para avançar na resolução dos problemas. Com o


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