tabaco ( texto ingles e portugues)

530 palavras 3 páginas
Since the year of 1900, cigarette smoking as become a natural drug activity it is compared only to alcohol consumption. However, statistics show that the number of cases of sung cancer , bronchits and heart diseases connected to smoking is larger. For exemple , abut o percent of cancer deaths among men in usa may be altributed to cigarette smoking.
The cigarette smoker is exposed to a variety of hydrocarbons (including benzopyrene – an agent that causes cancer) Nicotine , tobacco tar and rosins , carbons monoxide , cadmium and nickel (two of the mostly deadly metals ), and radioactive polonium 210 and lead – 210- minimum amounts of cadmium have been linked to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases , and micked has been linked to lung cancer.
Whey does smoking continue as a world habit? One factor is that the harmful results do not apper for about 20 years. As a result , the smoker can develop the ‘’it will never happen to me’’ attitude . smoking has also become a pleasant, automatic habit for many people , the psychological effects of nicotine are relatively mild and complex a person who smokes when working , studying, or talking , soon integrates this habit into his daily activities. This psychological dependence is very difficult to break because it has been intefrated into many different activities and is inconsciously stimulated by commercials on tv and magazine advertising.
Perhaps the major revelation in recent years in that harms only the individual who smokes. Anyone near a smoker is involuntarily exposed to cadmium, nickel and others dangerous chamicals.


Desde o ano de 1900, o tabagismo tem se tornado uma atividade de droga natural, é só se compara com o consumo de álcool. No entanto, as estatísticas mostram que o número de casos de doenças de câncer, bronquite e do coração ligadas ao tabagismo é maior. Por exemplo, cerca de um por cento das mortes por câncer entre os


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