Saude do trabalho

11151 palavras 45 páginas

Saúde do trabalhador: nova s - velhas questões Workers’ health: new-old questions

Ca rlos Mi n ayo Gomez 1 Fra n c i s co An tonio de Castro Lacaz 2

1 Cen tro de Estu dos da Sa ú de do Tra b a l h ador e Eco l ogia Humana, E s cola Nac i onal de Sa ú de Pública, Fiocruz. Rua Leopo l do Bulhões 1480, M n g u i n h o s , 21041-230, a Rio de Ja n ei ro RJ. m i n ayogo @ ensp. f i oc ru z . br 2 Un ivers i d ade Federal de São Pa u l o, E s co l a Paulista de Medicina, s etor de Planeja m en to em Sa ú de , Dep a rt a m en to de Medicina Preven tiva.

Ab s tract This theoretical paper for deba te presents three crucial questions about the workers’ health subject: (a) the absence of a National Policy that gives a co n ceptual fundamen t , guides fo r implementation, stra tegies and plans for action and eva l u a tion of its effectivity; (b) fragmen t ation and dispersion of the sci en tific produ ction of the are a , defaulting the important co n tribution that the academic sector could offer for fundament the action of health policy makers, social movements, ex e c u tives and professionals of the area; (c) weakness and low capacity of social m ovem ents and wo rkers repre sen t a tive grou p s , in the actual crises resulted of the productive restructuring, to fo rmulate qualified demands for respond with adequate instruments the co n tem porary probl ems of the wo rkers situ a tion in Bra z i l . The met h od used to construct this article was a cri tical revision of the official documents and of the scientific produ ction of the area named in B razil as “ wo rkers’ health movement”. They fou n d ed the analyses and the em ergent questi o n s . The theoretical basis comes from the litera ture about produ ctive re s tructu ring in Bra z i l , mainly that who treats about its worse effects in the health of wo rking class popu l a tion; and classic texts that articulate the wo rkers´ health knowledge field. Key word s Workers’ health policy, Health and


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