Portefólio de inglês

1838 palavras 8 páginas

Hi! My name is Rodrigo. I’m ten years old and I’m Portuguese.
My birthday is 20th September 2001. I have a very big and nice family, me, my sister Joana, my dad Filipe, my mum Patricia and a small dog.
My dad has got three sisters and five brothers and my mum has got one brother and more three sisters. I have many cousins. I love my family and my pet Dior.

* Name (Nome)
My name is... (O meu nome é...)
His/Her name is… (O nome dela/dele é…)

* Surname (apelido)
My surname is… (O meu apelido é…)
His/Her surname is… (O apelido dele/dela é…)

Asking someone’s Name/Surname | Answering | What is your name? (Qual é o teu nome?)
What is your surname? (Qual é o teu apelido?)
Who are you? (Quem és tu?) | My name is Rodrigo. (O meu nome é Rodrig.)
My surname is Gomes. (O meu apelido é Gomes.)
I’m… (Sou…) |

* Age (Idade)
I’m… years old. (Eu tenho… anos.)

Asking someone’s age | | Answering | How old | are | you? | | I’m 10 years old. | | is | he? | | He’s 10 years old. | | | she? | | She’s 10 years old. |

* Birthday (Aniversário)
My birthday is… (O meu aniversário é…)

* Address (Morada)
My address is… (A minha morada é…)

GREETINGS (Saudações)

* Hello/Hi (Olá) * Good morning (Bom dia) * Good afternoon (Boa tarde) * Good evening (Boa noite)

GOODBYES (Despedidas)

* Goodbye/Bye-bye (Adeus) * See you tomorrow (Até amanha) * See you later (Até logo) * Good night (Boa noite)


CARDINAL NUMBERS (Números Cardinais)

1. One (Um) 2. Two (Dois) 3. Three (Três) 4. Four (Quatro) 5. Five (Cinco) 6. Six (Seis) 7. Seven (Sete) 8. Eight (Oito) 9. Nine (Nove) 10. Ten (Dez) 11. Eleven (Onze) 12. Twelve (Doze)


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