Platão pesquisa

12171 palavras 49 páginas
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Plato, born around 427 BCE and 429 BCE, was an Athenian philosopher and a disciple of the great Socrates himself. Very much like his master, Plato was an open enemy of the sophists and a dedicated philosopher. He believed strongly in the philosopher’s ideas; there was a single, great truth, and that this truth was attainable by everyone. Plato was also a philosopher famous for his writings; he produced several important documents, many of which are known to this day (one example of such documents is the Apology of Socrates, where Plato writes Socrates’ defense from the Athenian charges against his person). While mostly all philosophers knew about the works of their predecessors, Plato was the first one to finally merge together the different ideas of several philosophers in order to explain his interpretation of the world. From the renowned Pythagoras of Samos, Plato took the idea of the “number” and Pythagoras’ conclusions about the eternal soul. From his master and beloved teacher Socrates, he took the idea of the “concept” and, as he was his disciple, a part of Socrates’ philosophy. Finally, he merged the apparently opposite ideas of Parmenides of Elea and Heraclitus of Ephesus, the being against the becoming, claiming that both were right, but applied to different scenarios. Plato looked at the world around him and said that things were indeed undergoing a continuous change. What was a scroll three thousand years ago most likely isn’t a scroll nowadays; it crumbled away to dust. Therefore, the world around us, everything we see or feel, is always undergoing a change. However, Plato agreed with Socrates’ idea of the “concept”, which said that there was a truth behind each object, and while that object might be eventually be destroyed or modified, that truth itself was eternal. In a hundred years, what is now a desk probably won’t be a desk anymore, but our idea of what a desk actually is (something elevated


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