
5327 palavras 22 páginas
German Jordanian University

Hexapod Robot
Robot design, model and control
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nathir Rawashdeh Project by: Tareq Mamkegh Ahmad Hindash Mohammad Al-Jabari

This report concerns the modelling and control of a hexapod robot. The project is composed in the period from June 2010 – May 2011 .The work was carried out at the German Jordanian University by three 8th semester students of the Mechatornics Department. The project proposal is given by Dr. Nathir Rawashdeh from the teaching committee of the Mechatronics Department at German Jordanian University. The report is written as a research paper that can provide information to further development on the subject of modelling and controlling hexapod robots. Throughout the project, Excel has been used for data processing, simulating and presenting results. Also using 3D Max for designing the robot and simulating its movement. Group: Team Hex, German Jordanian University

Dr. Nathir Rawashdeh

Tareq Mamkegh

Mohammad Al-Jabari

Ahmad Hindash


List Of Contents: Chapter1 : Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Robots ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Mobile Robots ................................................................................................................................... 7 Legged robots.................................................................................................................................... 7 Hexapod ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................... 9


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