Matrizes progressivas

6306 palavras 26 páginas
José Roberto de Barros Filho, M. Eng.
Eddros do Brasil - Consultoria e Serviços Industriais Rodovia SC401 Km01 sala 2.17 - CELTA - Saco Grande - Florianópolis - SC CEP 88030-000 E-mail:

Dalvio Ferrari Tubino, Dr.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - UFSC Campus Universitário - Caixa Postal 476 - Florianópolis - SC CEP 88040-900 E-mail: ABSTRACT: Usually the focus of works in PCP relapses in computer systems, definitions, applications and use. It is noticed that in many cases none, or few, attention is given to the steps that precede the installation of systems of the Production and Control Planning. These first steps, usually organization, learning and training, should be worked before the systems and, frequently, they are the main sources of problems. The present work describes an ideal sequence for the installation of the "best practices" in Production and Control Planning, from the definition of the responsible team for the project until the installation of systems in small and medium enterprises. Besides the installation methodology, two case studies are presented. The first one is a maker of equipment for storage, conservation, transport of grains. It is a production type "engineer-to-order". The second study presents the case of a textile industry (shirt shop) with production of the repetitive type in lots. The current and last indicators show the benefits of the application of the methodology proposed for installation of Production and Control Planning systems. KEYWORDS: Production Planning; Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises; Small and Medium Business. RESUMO: Normalmente o foco de trabalhos em PCP recai em sistemas computacionais, definições, aplicações e utilização. Percebe-se que em muitos casos nenhuma, ou muito pouca, atenção é dada aos passos que antecedem a implementação de sistemas de Planejamento e


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