Lugares misteriosos

621 palavras 3 páginas
Misterious Places of the Ancient World


October 08,2012

INTRODUCTION Jericho is one of the oldest cities in the world but there is no record of if besides the Bible. It is an important city located about 8 Km west of the Jordan river, 13 km north of the Dead Sea and 24 km northeast of Jerusalem in a straight line at the base of the mountains of Judea in the highest part of the Jordan Valley. Has an almost tropical climate, therefore grow there currently palms and also bananas. HISTORY Jericho is not known because is one of the oldest cities in the world but it’s famous because the events in the bible.After leaving Egypt, the Israelites were led by Josueh to conquer Jericho.Jericho was an hard obstacle to the Israelites because there were big walls around the city, but they had an divine force helping them to put the walls down.This battle wasn’t the last battle, Jericho would still suffer many battles.Archeology has concluded that this battle took place around 1400 B.C. ARCHEOLOGICAL FACTS Surveys and excavations prove that Jericho was destroyed several times.Due to this factor the famous walls of Jericho was never found. Because of this biblical and historical importance, Jericho has received attention from several archaeological expeditions. The city of the Old Testament has been identified with Tell es-Sultan, at the north end of the current Jericho. In 1868, Charles Warren has done some preliminary explorations that do not materially increased our knowledge about the ancient history of the city. Between 1907 and 1909, Ernest Sellin and Carl Watzinger excavated parts of the hill but saw its ruins confused and disturbed by later constructions and erosion. Since the Palestinian archeology was still in its early stages, the findings of these scholars were unsatisfactory and later had to be revised when some explorations conducted elsewhere have shown that their interpretations of certain evidence could not be maintained. John Garstang


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