Logística Reversa das metalurgicas

4774 palavras 20 páginas
XIII SIMPEP - Bauru, SP, Brasil, 06 a 08 de novembro de 2006

Logística e fluxo multidirectional: redução dos resíduos industriais
Multidirectional logistics and flow: industrial waste reduction
Quésia Postigo Kamimura (USP/UNITAU) qkamimura@uol.com.br
Miroslava Hamzagic (USP) mira.tca@uol.com.br
Arlindo Philippi Júnior (USP)
Edson Aparecida Querido de Oliveira (UNITAU) edson@unitau.br

Abstract. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate how policies of waste reduction can be important in industry as a method of reducing costs and improving a company’s overall efficiency. It deals with the re-use of industrial waste, especially one kind of waste arising from the production process, of an assembly plant in Vale do Paraíba, in the town of
Taubaté. Bibliographic data and observation of a specific production process were used to carry out the case study. The results fond were: firstly, the reduction of non-recyclable waste, which had a dubious, unknown destination; a decrease in the number of work-related accidents and, the re-use of resources that already from part of the process. The conclusion of this paper shows that it is possible to outline news flows of material and information and create new work routines and procedures in order to achieve noble objectives such as the reduction of waste, while at the same time maintaining increased, dynamic production, and above all reducing company costs.
Keywords: Reverse Logistic, Reduction of Waste, Production Process.


Redução dos resíduos tem sido uma preocupação constante para as empresas na atualidade, apesar do tema ser relativamente novo para o mundo e principalmente para o
Brasil. Somente a partir da década de 90, os conceitos e principalmente a necessidade em se adquirir uma nova postura frente à incidentes mundiais e o risco da extinção dos recursos naturais, tornaram-se parte do cenário industrial brasileiro.
Não mais a sociedade, mas empresas, principalmente


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