
8332 palavras 34 páginas
Logística Militar


Tem com finalidade de mostrar os aspectos da logística Militar e trazer conhecimento sobre o assunto. Dês dos tempos trazendo mostrando que a logística já existia

Palavras-Chave: Embalagem, Produtos, Materiais.


Packaging features a wide variety of shapes, designs and materials, and is part of our daily lives in many ways, some consciously recognized, some subtle influence of all, however, providing benefits that justify their existence. The product and packaging are becoming so interrelated that they can no longer consider one without the other. Just to give you an idea of the magnitude of the contribution of the pack in our economy, it represents about 2% of GNP (Gross National Product). The product cannot be planned separately from the packaging, which, in turn, must not only be defined based on common sense, as part of a complex system of materials, functions, forms and processes of engineering, marketing, communication, legislation and economy..

Keywords: Packaging Products, Materials.
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