
321 palavras 2 páginas
Are present in many television closed systems that are hidden in a special part of the closed sets or residential units, they are also hidden, lurking, like lizards, in shopping centers, companies, some households, anyway ... a digital information system, tracking and vision that, in theory, pose a greater sense of control and hassle-free accessibility. We talked about security cameras, and its history in the digital age has reached technological revolutions that once could only enjoy action films futuristic touch, and also in television series that made us see the days of this century as an invention Hollywood.

Security cameras in principle, can not escape its basic components: the monitor. Usually a decision that is not equal to that of a camera that can provide a color system open but simply a generalized view of space which houses a very biased point of view, these "electronic friends" are increasingly small and impressive, in some models of course. The world of security cameras has reached levels of sophistication that have been placed alongside the latest technological advances. For example, cameras can be found in almost the fraction size of a finger, whose lens is larger locator us that the eye of a needle.
Such cameras are considered the most advanced, let alone from many years ago are activated by the movement of an object or person, or that detect the heat emitted by an organism. There are security cameras that are offering a resolution similar to that of a semi-professional camera, where also the angle of vision has expanded to nearly a respectable 27th grades. Other models of security cameras underwater safety advocate, and some have been installed at the bottom of pools to establish the possible motives of a scourge that was committed in the water. Finally, there are special security cameras installed in many city streets, which have improved viewing angle as well as the resolution in


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