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663 palavras 3 páginas
Long-distance relationship: Does exist?
By Gabriela Estevam

Over the years people have developed and the relationships as well. It is not possible to imagine arranged marriage and not knowing the fiancé today, for example. However, with all the changes, new problem arose. This is the case, for example, of dating from a distance. Being away from a loved one is undoubtedly one of the worst situations you can imagine for our love lives. You're full of doubt, do not know if it will or will not work, will need to understand that some cold nights alone, will spend a few weekends at home chatting by computer and, worst of all, will face insecurity. A widely used mean of communication for who is in a distance date is the internet. Through it you can chat by video, text and even exchange pictures. In addition, it is present everywhere - on phones, iPads. After all, are the distance relationships worth seeing? Is it good to be on them? We do not know!Top of Form 1 But since for many it is the only way, here's a short manual so that you know how to overcome many miles: Bottom of Form 1

Do not let jealousy intrude. Never ever!
All you and your partner need these times is less reason to fight. As it may seem strange, there is no need for you to really want to control every step of the partner, and from time to time you will have to be flexible. The first thing that should exist in a long-distance relationship is trust, and let your partner get upset or angry with you can be a dangerous flashpoint. Avoid excessive jealousies and silly fights, trust more in your partner and your relationship will be preserved.

Take the distance to talk. About EVERYTHING!
Because basically what is left to you is the virtual contact, make sure you discuss everything with your partner. Make up some kind of joke where one asks a question about anything and the other responds in earnest, after changing the answer. If the relationship is serious and neither of you have anything to


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