
2382 palavras 10 páginas
Caracterização e identificação de incêndios no cerrado
Luango Augusto Feitosa Ahualli1
Hélio Guilherme de Almeida Lara1
Newton Moreira de Souza1

Universidade de Brasília - UnB
Caixa Postal: 04386 - 70910-900 - Asa Norte - Brasília- DF;;; The objective of this work was to analyze the occurrence of focus of fire in areas of
IBGE and FLONA, Distrito Federal, in the period from 06 June to 28 October 2011, using the
Landsat-5-TM images from the following dates: 06/Jun, 08/Jul, 09/Ago, 10/Set and 28/Out of
2011. The images were processed on software Spring 5.2. Results were developed by analyzing the changes caused by the existence of focuses of fire on vegetations index (IVDN) and in surface temperature values, taken with Malaret`s Model, which was applied on Spring by LEGAL. Based on analyses of IVDN index maps of vegetation, it is possible to notice the extent of green area affected by the fire. Comparing maps in time allows to notice IVDN values variation, which gives characteristics of fire intensity, fuel material and the area itself.
Based on surface temperature maps analyses of beginning and final dates and also on the analyses of temperature differences, it was possible to follow temperature variation on areas affected by fire. As much as create profiles to them.


Palavras-chave: incêndios, fogo, sensoriamento remoto, método de Maralet, temperatura de superfície,
Landsat5, imagens termais.

1. Introdução
Desde seu descobrimento no Período Neolítico, o fogo vem sendo popularizado como um instrumento considerado indispensável para a evolução humana, e de importância inestimável quanto sua atuação nos meios rurais. Entretanto, a ocorrência de eventos extremos devido às variações climáticas e a expansão desorganizada dos centros urbanos e rurais levaram a um aumento da ocorrência de incêndios que, planejados ou não, passaram a constituir uma


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