
1095 palavras 5 páginas
Mark 10:32-52
Interesting ties 1) Eliminates some events that happened in Jericho (Skipped the story of ZAQUEUS)
Go direct to the time they left the city
The name means – Son of Timaeus 2) Greek word for Timaeus means Honor, the son of honor
The beggar blind man was named honor
* Jesus asked the same question for the disciples as he did for Bartimaeus * James and John wanted power and honor * The disciples, James and John, were both blind! * They could not see what it was involved.
They could not see the hurt, the cup, the cross, the baptism, because they were blind. * They asked for a position while Jesus was about to give us His life * Both wanted something:
(1) Bartimaeus were conscious and
(2) The disciples were not

As followers: * It is crucial to know Jesus way * keep on the way in any challenges * As Jesus knew the adversity we cannot turn away * As Jesus knew his commitment to go to Jerusalem and as believers we have to follow his way * Jesus showed us the way; we have to maintain in it * Preach the sound doctrine * Preach the Word of God by the Way of God * Wrong ways lead us to wrong direction (motivation)

WRONG DIRECTION => is following Jesus by our old ways
“We want you to do for us whatever we ask.” (Mk 10.35) * Jesus will not ANSWER everything we ask! * Stop this kind of behavior, “Dad I want… ” * Jesus listens every prayer but will not answer whatever we ask * You do not know what we are asking! (Mark 10.38) * Why? Sometimes our cry is distorted by our motivation
“You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you…” (Mark 10.42, 43) * Exercise (spiritual muscle) authority by God`s way, God`s power, but not by “Gentiles way”.
“…whoever wants to become great among


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