As Associações Empresariais como elo de ligação entre Empresas e Instituições de Ensino Superior

4657 palavras 19 páginas
Mestrado em Gestão e Negócios 2013-2014

As Associações Empresariais como elo de ligação entre Empresas e Instituições de Ensino Superior.


Professor Doutor João Paulo Sequeira Seara do Vale Peixoto


Sandra Sofia Sousa Silva

Artigo Científico (Paper) elaborado por Sandra Sofia Sousa Silva, no âmbito do trabalho de projeto do Mestrado em Gestão e Negócios.

As Associações Empresariais como elo de ligação entre Empresas e Instituições de
Ensino Superior.


This article intends to analyse companies of diverse dimensions and sectors of activity, meet their training needs, and which means of response of business associations that they are associated. It is intended to investigate the available training programs, if the companies provide formation to its collaborators, which the importance whom they attribute to its professional and academic formation and if these formations are good for its professional performance.
Will also be assessed the Business Associations, regarding the type of training and services they provide to companies, if these programs will meet their market needs. The companies will go to be questioned concerning the establishment of formative and consultancy partnerships , between the Associations and Institutions of Higher Education to guarantee the transference of knowledge with quality for its collaborators allied to the development of the Associations and the Institutions of Superior Education keeping the confidence, commitment and loyalty of its students. It will be, still of extreme importance inquire Companies, Business Associations and Institutions of Higher Education, about their needs, test the utility of mechanisms for cooperation and coordination of efforts, and verifies its openness to possible strategic partnerships with sight to guarantee the quality a new generation of individuals whose training meets the real needs of the market. Finally it is intended to reflect on


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