Violência Sexual

2290 palavras 10 páginas
9 ABSTRACT The history shows that, since the primitive times until this present moment, the violence against the children presents like a social and cultural phenomenom with big relevance. In diferents societs the most cruel and subtle forms, diferentiate itself. In Brasil it can change a estructural violence, that the stronger expressions are the child larbor, the existence of chidren living on the streets and in close's institutes ; a social violence, that's the most alive expressions configure itself on domestic violence ; a deliquential violence, that's the children are victms and actors. The general objectives was analise the children and teenagers estatute offers important instruments to the society e the states can, recognize the protagonist, search overcome the violence forms that prejudice your growin and s development and thus, the social devopment. The metod was the bibliography review of the doctrinators, just like searches juriaprudence relacionated to the title. On the conclusion has a lot of reflexion, not with the sense that would be esgotated the subject, but with the interest of only open ways and new researches and awareness people relacionated to the theme aproach on the research Keywords: social and cultural phenomenon, sex abuse, “ECA” INTRODUÇÃO A violência contra crianças e adolescentes acompanha a trajetória da humanidade, manifestando-se de múltiplas formas, nos diferentes momentos históricos e sociais, em acordo com aspectos culturais. As expressões do fenômeno da violência integram uma rede que envolve a violência estrutural (oriunda do sistema social), assim como a violência interpessoal (doméstica, trabalho, amigos), atravessando camadas sociais,podendo transformar vítimas em agressores.
No Brasil, a violência estrutural, responsável pela desigualdade social, contribui com o desenvolvimento da violência interpessoal, nos diferentes segmentos sociais, em especial na dinâmica e no modelo familiar. Estudos apontam que


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