
29269 palavras 118 páginas
Free Version

A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction
Leo Babauta

focus: about about focus


his book, “focus”, is by Leo Babauta, creator of zen habits and mnmlist. It was written publicly, online, in small bursts, with feedback from

readers throughout the writing process. It would be much worse without their wonderful help.

The book is dedicated to my grandfather, Joe Murphy, who lived a life that inspired me, and whose death has left a gap in my life ... and to my grandmother, Marianne Murphy, who I love deeply and whose strength and kindness have always pointed the way for me.

All content of this book are in the public domain. I hereby waive all claim of copyright in this work; it may be used or altered in any manner without attribution or notice to the me. Attribution, of course, is appreciated. To clarify, I’m granting full permission to use any content on this site, including the chapters of my book, in any way you like. I release my copyright on this content. While you are under no obligation to do so, I would appreciate it if you give me credit for any work of mine that you use, and ideally, link back to the original. If you feel like spreading a copy of this book, you may do so without payment.


full version
This is the free version of this ebook, which can also be found at focusmanifesto.com. The full version of the ebook contains additional chapters: 1. creativity and practicing deep focus 2. finding stillness and reflection 3. how to start changes on a broader level 4. overcome the fears that stop you from focusing, by Gail Brenner 5. how to create a minimalist workspace to find focus, by Everett Bogue 6. how to take a digital sabbatical, by Gwen Bell 7. life lessons from tea rituals, by Jesse Jacobs 8. two ways to focus on the stuff that matters, by Michael Bungay Stanier In addition, the full version contains video how-to lessons, audio interviews with experts, and bonus guides


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