
439 palavras 2 páginas
The word“religon”comes from the Latin “religio” which means obligation, duty. Religion has been a powerful force in the development of different cultures across the world. It is a fact that religious leaders have great political influence in some countries, to govern it.
Unfortunately, the religious leader have usually encouraged his followers to enter wars. They appeal their beliefs stop, although the real reason for the war is their desire for more power.

1- In your opinion what is the main function of religion?
Provide a link between human beings and God.

2- Do you believe that religion back benefits to our society? Explain.
No. The religion prevents people without the capacity to think for themselves are left without paths to follow, and thus, completely alien to their society. So just choose a religion and believe in it.

3- According to their beliefs you believe in ‘Holy Wars’? Explain.
Since the beginning of mankind man has been at war, all for greed of power and wealth, God is not to blame wars among men, each person is responsible for their own acts, all that God does is give us advice. Therefore , if men would obey the commandments of God, there would be no wars.

A palavra religião deriva do Latim ‘religio’, a qual significa obrigação, dever. A religião tem sido uma força poderosa no desenvolvimento de diferentes culturas através do mundo.
É fato que os líderes religiosos tem grande influência política, em alguns países, eles até governam. Infelizmente, os líderes religiosos tem normalmente encorajado seus seguidores a entrar em guerras. Eles apelam para suas crenças, embora o real motivo da guerra seja seu desejo por mais poder.

1- Na sua opinião qual a principal função da religião ?
Proporcionar uma ‘ligação’ do ser humano com Deus.

2- Você acredita que a religião trás benefícios para a nossa sociedade ? Explique.
Não. A Religião evita que pessoas sem capacidade de


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