Tecnica de negociacao tcc

23862 palavras 96 páginas
Rui Miguel Marques Rocha

A influência dos Estilos de Negociação MiguelEficácia Negocial Rui na Marques Rocha
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão

Setembro 2011

Coimbra, 2011 i A influência dos Estilos de Negociação na Eficácia Negocial
Um estudo exploratório na indústria de bebidas alcoólicas em Portugal

Tese de Mestrado apresentada pelo aluno: Rui Miguel Marques Rocha Sob a orientação do: Professor Doutor Carlos F. Gomes

Coimbra, 2011 ii ABSTRACT
The current economic environment is characterized by strong competition, globalization, technological development and information, and an increasing need to optimize resources, which requires better performance and more efficient business processes from organizations. Nowadays, we primarily live in supply driven markets and organizations need to manage conflicts of interest in an integrated manner so they can respond assertively to the demand. Negotiation is, therefore, a key factor in business management, with particular emphasis on the commercial perspective. This has been one of the most studied areas in the context of negotiation. Agndal (2007), who in the study "Current trends in business negotiation research", conducted a survey of articles published between 1996 and 2005 related with negotiation, noted that 73% (out of 172) were purely focused on commercial negotiations, in business to business scenarios, between buyer and seller. We know that buyers and sellers spend a great deal of time in negotiations, and their multiple interactions are fundamental to the strategies for achieving and leveraging added value to organizations. This is the reason why it is very important to understand which variables may influence the effectiveness of negotiations. Following this line of thought, this research assesses to what extent other variables, like styles of negotiation, socio-demographic and organizational characteristics influence the effectiveness of negotiation. This research is an exploratory


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