TCC Enfermagem do Trabalho

9063 palavras 37 páginas
ABSTRACTCurrently, nursing is becoming evident in nursing work, where their function is to promote the prevention and occupational health. This study deals with a literature review with the aim of demonstrating the nursing work today, critically analyzing the selected articles. The study is based on a descriptive and bibliographic database with Scielo, Lilacs and Bireme, will the search was conducted from the publications of scientific articles 2007 a period of 2012, being used as inclusion criteria, Portuguese, text full and relevance to the theme. It is observed that through this research nursing work is solidifying its operations and growing as a profession, we selected articles, reports both the positive and negative role of nursing work, and its development in the profession. We conclude that ultimately the goal of this study was answered because the nursing job every day that passes reaffirms its action on workers health, with a focus on prevention and health promotion worker.Keyword Occupational Health, Occupational Health Nursing, Professional illne SUMRIOINTRODUO..............................................................................................................11OBJETIVOS GERAIS...................................................................................................13OBJETIVOS ESPECFICOS.........................................................................................13 VARVEIS.....................................................................................................................14METODOLOGIA............................................................................................................15HIPTESES...................................................................................................................16CAPTULO I Enfermagem do Trabalho....................................................................171.1 A formao dos profissionais de enfermagem do trabalho........................181.2 A atuao


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