Revolução industrial

592 palavras 3 páginas
Pencil - v0.4.4beta - January 21st, 2008

Traditional Animation Software.

A few words
This program was developed on Mac OS 10.4 using Qt.
Because the Qt libraries are multi-platform, it has also been ported to Linux and Windows.

The application was initially designed by Patrick Corrieri, to aid in animation planning.
The idea was to make rough sketches by adding a keyframe on the timeline, and then able able to quickly move the keys to experiment with timing. This program was built because no other equivalent program (not free, at least) could be found for the ever software-handicapped Mac.

The application was extended by Pascal Naidon, introducing new tools and features (zoom, move, rectangle selection, layers, vector graphics). Pencil is now an animation software and its name is likely to change in the future. It is still at an early stage of development and comments are welcome.

Contact us
Go to the website and click on the "contact" section, or use the forum (preferred)

See the user manual at History v0.4.4b - by Pascal Naidon (2008-01-21) - changed the way documents are saved: vector graphics are now saved in separate xml files. Saving files now rewrites only the changed images. Attention: Pencil 0.4.3b will not open the new document format 0.4.4b. - autosave option. - vector graphics file (.vec) can be imported at specific frames - improved the brush in bitmap mode. Introduced "preserve alpha" and "stop at contour" options. - a document now remembers the last layer, frame and view used by the user. - the window can be made translucent. - improved gradients (feather) in vector mode. - bug fix: timeline did not refresh until the user clicks on it. - bug fix: single click on sliders did not work

v0.4.3b - by Pascal Naidon (2007-07-21) - improved performance for playback - camera layers - redesigned interface and


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