Prática de tradução

840 palavras 4 páginas
Centro Universitário Anhanguera de São Paulo
Unidade Brigadeiro
AVALIAÇÃO DE LEITURA E PRODUÇÃO DE TEXTO - INGLÊS Aluno ___________________________________________________________________________________________R.A. ________________________________Data 30/05/2011Professora Fátima Abbate Média: Exercício (2,0) + Avaliação (8,0) = Nota: _______________ de 10,0 |

1. Below you will find a fable from Turkey. Read it carefully and answer the questions by replacing the words in bold with a synonym. Rewrite the whole sentence: (0,25 points each word or expression)
Once a lion called all the animals that he ruled over. He asked them this question: ‘How does my den smell?’ After a long silence, a dog spoke up. ‘Your Majesty,’ said the dog, who was honest but not wise, ‘it smells rather unpleasant. In fact — I am sorry to say, it stinks!’
‘How dare you say that!’ roared the lion, and he jumped on the dog, and tore him to bits.
Then the lion asked the question again. This time a monkey said: ‘Your Majesty, your den smells like the beautiful roses in the palace gardens!’
‘Oh?’ said the lion. ‘Well, for your lies and flattery, you deserve the same as the dog!’ And he tore the monkey to bits as well.
Then the lion asked the sly fox the same question. The fox replied, ‘Your Majesty, for some time now, I’ve had a bad cold, and I really can’t tell...’
(LAZAR, Gillian. Meanings and metaphor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, [s.d.], p. 31. (Cambridge Copy Collection). a. Once a lion called all the animals that he ruled over.
Once a lion called all the animals that he wielded. b. ‘Your Majesty,’ said the dog, who was honest


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