Phrasal verbs

8978 palavras 36 páginas
| Phrasal Verb | Definition | Example | . | act up | behave or function improperly | I think I need to take my car to the mechanic because it's acting up again. | | . | add * up + | calculate a sum | I added up the receipts and it totaled $135.46. | | . | add up | make sense | Her story doesn't add up. I think she is lying. | | . | add up to + | equal an amount | The total expenses added up to $325.00. | | . | ask * out + | invite on a date | I can't believe that Joe finally asked me out on a date! | | . | ask * over + | invite to one's home | Why don't we ask the Johnsons over for dinner? | | . | back * up + | give support | You need examples to back up your opinion. | | . | back down | stop defending your opinion in a debate | Jane never backs down. She always wins arguments. | | . | back out | not keep (a promise, agreement,deal) | Sam backed out at the last second. | | . | back out of + | not keep (a promise, agreement, deal) | Sam backed out of the agreement at the last second. | | . | back up | move backwards, reverse | Could you back up a little so I can open this drawer. | | . | bawl * out | criticize, reprimand (inf.) | She bawled him out for arriving late. | | . | bear down on + | bite | The soldier had to bear down on the leather strap while the doctor removed a bullet from the soldier's arm. | | . | bear down on + | take strong measures against | The U.S.A. is bearing down on drug traffickers. | | . | bear on + | have to do with | This information may bear on this case. | | . | bear up | withstand | I didn't think he would bear up so well in that situation. | | . | bear up under + | withstand | How did he bear up under such extreme pressure. | | . | bear with + | be patient | Please bear with me while I fill out the paperwork. | | . | blow * up + | make explode;destroy using explosives | The terrorists blew the bridge


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