Os estados unidos e o chile no sistema mundial moderno – a derrubada do governo de salvador allende, 1973.

7511 palavras 31 páginas
Os Estados Unidos e o Chile no Sistema Mundial Moderno – A derrubada do governo de Salvador Allende, 1973.

Taís Borges Rodrigues¹

Abstract: Based on the World System Theory, this article analyzes the events that took place in Chile during the Cold War and that culminated on the overthrow of the socialist, but democratic, government of Salvador Allende, and in the establishment of the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in 1973. It is verified that the peaceful and democratic way to socialism was considered just as bad as the Cuban or Soviet socialism to the central power of the capitalist bloc, the United States. The various actors involved in this process are taken into account, and thus it becomes clear that the dichotomy between internal and external dynamics does not actually exist. What exists is a system that encompasses all countries through a dynamic of unequal exchange, originated on the international division of labor from the sixteenth century, which is the engine that generates and maintains the concentration of capital in the largest centers of industrial and technological development, and therefore with goods of higher value added. Key words: Allende, Chilean socialism, Cold War, Imperialism, World System, International Work Division, United States.
Resumo: A partir da Teoria Sistema Mundo os acontecimentos que tomaram lugar no Chile durante a Guerra Fria e que culminaram na derrubada do governo socialista, mas democrático de Salvador Allende e a instauração da ditadura militar de Augusto Pinochet, em 1973 são analisados. Percebe-se que a via pacífica e democrática ao socialismo era tão mal vista como o socialismo cubano ou soviético para a potência central representante do bloco capitalista: Estados Unidos. Os diversos atores envolvidos nesse processo são levados em conta, e nota-se que uma dicotomia entre dinâmicas internas e externas na verdade não existe, o que existe é um sistema que engloba a partir da divisão internacional do


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