
1556 palavras 7 páginas
Apostila , Página : 27 .

Some Verbs & Phrases
To get into truble To spin a top To grow up To draw on the board
To kick a ball To sid quietly
To answer a questionnaire To wear a uniform To fly a kite To make a toy

Toys & Games
Paper dolls Kite Marbles
Portable video games Remote control cars Hangman
Action figures Teddy bear Chess
Top Building blocks Checkers
Drawing board Tricycle Hopscotch

Adverbial Phrases When I was a baby/kid/teenager When I was younger Until 1985 Until recently At that time Back then Before January In the 70s

Used To
We employ USED TO to talk about things that were true or happened in the past, but are no longer true or do not happen anymore .
Affirmative : USED + infinitive
My best friends and I used to go the park together ………… Negative : DIDN’T USE + infinitive
I didnn’t use to talk to him much .
Interrogative : DID … USE + infinitive
Did your father use to come here often ?
Attention !
To be used to + …….. ing ≠ used + infinitive ..

Subject and object questions
Question : Who saw you ?


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