Iluminismo em ingles

1176 palavras 5 páginas
Swift and Moliere’s Contributions to the Enlightenment Age
Two of the most known and important literary works that exemplifies the 17th and 18th Centuries and outlines the Enlightenment Age are “Tartuffe” and “A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to their Parents or Country, and for Making them Beneficial to their Public”. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known as Moliere, and John Swift created the masterpieces. Tartuffe is a satirical comedy play and “A Modest Proposal” (the short name for Swift’s work) is a satirical political essay supported by statistical information. Both pieces of literature adhere strictly to its genre; various similarities as well as contrasting differences can be traced among the works. Poverty, religion, and politics are discussed in its individual purpose and reflect the ideology of the Enlightenment Age in its own ways. These masterpieces do not provoke the same reaction on the reader, one brings up laughs, and the other disgust by the authors’ words, but both works effectively transmits their message: Swift’s perspective of poverty considered a disease and the authors’ shared opinion that religion was the reason for most of the major problems occurring in their times in society.
The “Enlightenment Age” or the “Age of Reason” that took place between the years between 1650 and 1800 first in Western Europe, England and later in the American colonies. It was not only a reference event to the religious rebellion in favor of the less fortunate and church’s power over humankind but simply referred to as “a confluence of ideas and activities” (The Enlightenment-Literature Periods and Movements). Both Swift and Moliere used satire style in their literary works to express their contribution to the movement. Satire stands for “the use of humor and wit with a critical attitude, irony, sarcasm, or ridicule for exposing or denouncing the frailties and faults of mankind’s activities and institutions,


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