
3932 palavras 16 páginas
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Brazilian Homeopathic Journal 10 (1) 30-37 2008

Transtornos do pânico – atualização clínica e epidemiológica e a abordagem homeopática
Panic disorders - clinical and epidemiological update and the homeopathic approach
Luiz Figueira Pinto1, Jorge Antolini2 e Regina Rodrigues3
PhD; Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. 2Professor de Clínica Homeopática da UNI-RIO e Chefe do
Serviço de Homeopatia do Iaserj–Central. 3Médica homeopata e Epidemiologista da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro.

The epidemiological data points to a worrying increase in many mental diseases, including the panic disorders that became a current serious public health problem. The technical bibliography presents various therapeutical approaches, among them the pharmacological treatment is the most used, despite its inconveniences and the necessity of a prolonged usage. The aim of the present study is to give a clinical and epidemiological updating about the panic disorders and, using the homeopathic propedeutic, relate the most indicated medicines to treat this disease. For that, the clinical, epidemiological, biological, psychological and homeopathical aspects were specified. The homeopathical medicine selection was based in the comprehension of the panic disorders physiopathology. The selection of the medicines that include the observed symptomatic spectrum was done using the homeopathic reportorial technique, and the choice of the most adequate medicine was based in the medicine pathophysiological mechanism, revealed by the pathogenetic symptoms, that gives it a specifically diathesic characteristic. Keywords: Homeopathy, Panic disorder, Epidemiology.

Dados epidemiológicos apontam para o aumento preocupante de diversas patologias psíquicas, dentre elas os transtornos do pânico, que se tornaram um grave problema atual de saúde pública. A


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